Wednesday Jan 11, 2023

03. Why Affirmations are Not Enough, Creative Business Owners, Mindset Work, Mind Detox

In this episode we talk about how you may get caught up in using affirmations but not actually receiving any benefit from them. I cover three common mistakes and how to sideline them. While positive thinking can be a helpful mindset, it isn't always sufficient on its own to address all of life's challenges and problems.

When you focus so much on thinking positive, you often times will ignore real problems or come up with superficial solutions. This may cause you to suppress your emotions and leads to blind optimism.

So we’re going to talk about the way that I approach affirmations and positive thinking in my business and also how I’ve learned to release, trapped emotions

Lastly, we'll end with a subconscious release that will set the wheels in place to help you feel more empowered to make positive changes in your life. Cheers! 


My name is Aubrey and I am an intuitive Coach and healer. For the last 15 years, I have been working one-on-one with my clients to reach their ultimate potential. And I ran a photography business for the last 8 years as well. My combined work of being a Reiki Master, Subconscious Release Technique Practitioner and a creative entrepreneur has taught me so much about our thoughts impact every aspect of life and I want to share it all with you.  Because you know what, I’ve been there. But at some point, I stopped letting life happen to me, and I created the life that I knew I deserved all along.


Join me weekly as I dive into the most common thought patterns that show up in our industry and give you practical solutions to release them never to bother you again. Imagine a life with less stress and free from everyday triggers.




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