Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

105. The Self Sabotage Cycle and Why You’re Afraid to Make Choices

Last week to join Deep Healing for the Creative Soul before the price increase.

Have you ever wanted to do something that feels completely aligned to you and you know it would help you, but yet something inside if you won’t let you take action to make it yours?

Maybe it's a course, some energy work or hiring an assistant. 

Often times we will assume that it’s not meant for us but in reality, sometimes our fear is so strong that it’s taking over that aspect of our life and making us feel like we could never make that choice or we could never sign up for that program or we could never start her own business etc.


If we let fear dictate our big decisions in life, then we will never grow.

Because growth only happens outside of our comfort zone, when we take chances and when we are hoping for the best. Growth doesn’t happen when we stay small. The biggest question I have  for you,  is who is benefiting from you staying small? It's not you, my friend. 

As a Spiritual Coach and fellow Artist, I have been able to see the joy in running a business intuitively and from a healed space. Join us bi-weekly as we dive into what you may be experiencing in your life and how to change your perspective around your individual and unique needs as an Entrepreneur. 

Huge spoiler, this does not have to be the "grind" and it doesn't have to be the hardest you will ever work. It can be a blessing but often times that requires more self-work. Learning to release the past and embracing all the beautiful things that form the person you are today. So, let's get comfy and dig into the real work.......YOU. 

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