Friday Jan 12, 2024

109. Business Growth Mindset, When are You Done Growing?

Hey friend. 


As always, I had an interaction with someone the past few days that made me want to dig deeper and give my opinion. How do you know if you are done growing? 

So many of us set a "goal" and maybe we already got to the end goal. Maybe from the outside, it seems like we have it all and maybe even on the inside, we question what's next or do we feel so comfortable that we can stay in this spot forever. 

"The enemy of the middle class is "comfortable'". T Harv Eker

Having a growth mindset means that we keep growing, there is no plateau to sit on and chill! 

This is a good question for photographers. 👇🏻

“Why pay for a Coach when I can just have friends and other photographers give me advise about life and business?”

Same reason why people who have a camera in their pocket still hire a photographer 🤔

Professionals know what they’re doing. They bring experience, knowledge, tools and guess what, cut the time investment in half or more. 🤍

So if you know it’s time to level up, ready for a little GROWTH mindset tea…..

but you don’t know where to start….

maybe you need someone in your corner who does.

Someone with the knowledge of your expertise, mixed with 2 decades of healing and supporting others.

Ok it’s me 😉

Hey I’m Aubrey and I’m a coach for creatives 🥰

And this is a little message for you.

I'm not gonna let you settle. 

Send me a message if this is speaking to you. 

As a Spiritual Coach and fellow Artist, I have been able to see the joy in running a business intuitively and from a healed space. Join us bi-weekly as we dive into what you may be experiencing in your life and how to change your perspective around your individual and unique needs as an Entrepreneur. 

Huge spoiler, this does not have to be the "grind" and it doesn't have to be the hardest you will ever work. It can be a blessing but often times that requires more self-work. Learning to release the past and embracing all the beautiful things that form the person you are today. So, let's get comfy and dig into the real work.......YOU. 

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