Tuesday Nov 28, 2023

97. For the Woman Who Does Everything & Still Feels Like a Failure

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I want to speak to all of you that have been living in a place of overwhelm and anxiety. Those who give all of themselves during the day and fall asleep feeling like you didn't do enough. Those who are people pleasers, who find it hard to say "no" in business or in personal life. 

For those busy moms or wives, trying to make everyone else happy and leaving themselves, feeling boring, uninterested and blah. For the women business owners who give all to their clients until they have nothing left to give themselves.


The key to adding more joy, laughter and love into your life is by first coming from a place that is free from anxiety and stress. And yes, I know that makes it sound so easy. And I’m not trying to pretend that it is. But once you’re able to regulate your nervous system and release, generational, trauma, as well as childhood trauma, you will find that it is easier than you thought.


Let's go on a year long adventure and to cultivate a relationship with ourselves first and then watch that trickle out to our other relationships. 

I am so excited to share a new Membership with you all: 

We Are Magnetic Women.

This one year long membership is for high achieving women who want to prioritize their mental and emotional health, cultivate her relationships with others and herself without having to sacrifice her time and passions. 

In this insightful soul-led membership, Aubrey will take you on a new adventure every month that will leave you feeling fulfilled, supported and in love with your authentic self. 

This isn’t talk therapy where you recall your traumas until you’ve felt every single emotion that came up during them and are exhausted and overwhelmed.


In this container, we will discuss easy ways for you to let go of the past so that you can live in the now, and feel joy from your every day life.

Together, we will strip away layers of who you think you need to be and plant a seed of self love and purpose. 

You can find out more here and for those that are a HECK YES sign up now for half off using code "Founder". There's only 10 available. I can't wait to see you guys in there! 

As a Spiritual Coach and fellow Artist, I have been able to see the joy in running a business intuitively and from a healed space. Join us bi-weekly as we dive into what you may be experiencing in your life and how to change your perspective around your individual and unique needs as an Entrepreneur. 

Huge spoiler, this does not have to be the "grind" and it doesn't have to be the hardest you will ever work. It can be a blessing but often times that requires more self-work. Learning to release the past and embracing all the beautiful things that form the person you are today. So, let's get comfy and dig into the real work.......YOU. 

Join the email list https://aubrey-bahr.ck.page/4710fa18f7



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