Friday Feb 16, 2024

119. Promote Self-Worth and Success in Business

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Welcome to the enlightening episode of 'Deep Healing for Creative Entrepreneurs', where we delve deep into the common, yet hazardous trait of people-pleasing. Our expert, Aubrey Bahr, a subconscious release technique practitioner, leads this insightful discussion, aiming to foster comfortable self-expression and assertiveness within you.

In this episode, we candidly discuss the detrimental aspects of placing others' happiness above our own needs. We attempt to unravel why some of us become 'people pleasers' and the subconscious implications such behavior can bring. With enlightening perspectives and effective tools, we aspire to instill a sense of self-love and autonomy, crucial for both personal and professional growth.

We explore the origins of people-pleasing, often rooted in our early experiences where we might have felt unheard or insignificant. We also analyze the predicament where while natural generosity and caring nature can be beautiful, these traits can sometimes gravitate towards manipulative relationships. We aim to clarify that being caring and generous, is not a weakness — it's about the perception.

Moreover, we provide guidance for those dealing with a 'hardened heart', a result of consistent self-neglect or giving excessively without receiving. Recognizing these patterns and receiving help and guidance is pivotal in avoiding self-isolation and strengthening connections based on authentic self-expression.

This transformative journey invites you to embrace autonomous life, balance your heart chakra, and cultivate self-worth by shedding people-pleasing tendencies. We further delve into setting up a business that reflects your capacity and allows you to share your talents without depleting your energy.

We offer pragmatic advice on maintaining a balance between your innate need to help others and sustaining your well-being. We encourage innovative ways of impacting more lives without personally draining yourself- right from starting a podcast to developing online courses.

Join us to manage your self-worth, value perception, and business prowess. Unearth your subconscious stories, rewrite them, and steer your life towards growth and fulfillment.

Visit our detailed show-notes, join our free Facebook community, and discover ways to connect with us. Ignite your journey away from people-pleasing and towards embracing self-worth by listening to our enlightening episode.

My name is Aubrey and I am an intuitive Coach and healer. For the last 15 years, I have been working one-on-one with my clients to reach their ultimate potential. And I ran a photography business for the last 8 years as well. My combined work of being a Reiki Master, Subconscious Release Technique Practitioner and a creative entrepreneur has taught me so much about our thoughts impact every aspect of life and I want to share it all with you.  Because you know what, I’ve been there. But at some point, I stopped letting life happen to me, and I created the life that I knew I deserved all along.


Join me weekly as I dive into the most common thought patterns that show up in our industry and give you practical solutions to release them never to bother you again. Imagine a life with less stress and free from everyday triggers.


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